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Magazine Cover Girl 3RD

Why I should be the cover Girl

I believe that I should have a fighting chance of being in the it's your lifestyle magazine. Why you ask? Because I never been published as a freelance model and I , just like everyone else, wants that chance to be in the magazine and to tell you that you should vote for any of us, but I'm just going to keep it 💯 with you. I never get picked for anything. I've always felt like a OutKast here with the 420nurses. I try to be active and posting, but some people just don't have that luxury to be posting everyday all day. Don't get me wrong, I am forever devoted to 420nurses, I truly am and I appreciate being able to keep being a 420nurse even in my darkest days. I have mental health conditions and physical health issues that hinders me from doing what I love alot and I have fallen deeply into a very bad state and I'm currently trying to bounce back from it. It's hard when you see others who are just like you completing their goals, being published and all that, makes me feel as if I'm not made for this anymore and that I should step down from modeling all together. But I do wish who ever win this, remembers how they made it and to encourage others to do their best and help them achieve. Not this, oh I'm all that or be very stuck up to where you think that just because you may have it like that, that others are beneath you. That's my issue with people who are like that. But I guaranteed you this, most of you might read my post on here or  bypass it because I'm a lame or something like that, but I hope you all give me a chance to run for this it's your lifestyle magazine cover model. I really would be honored if all of you voted for my sorry ass, but I doubt it. Well, I can only wait and see what happens next. I hope you all don't take what I said to heart. I'm just expressing my thoughts on this contest and how it makes me feel.

Thanks for listening to my whiny ass. For at least that's a start and thanks for your vote as well (if you decide to vote for me).


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