by on July 27, 2021

I have a bunch of goals technically a ten year plan I have put together. I joined 420Nurses as a shy timid chick with not much confidence. With time Iv noticed my pictures from diffrent photoshoots get better and better. I started to push my own boundaries and comfort zone. Some one told me in the past do it till it becomes comfortable, and you will grow. Pushing my own boundaries cracked this protetive shell I built around myself made up of insecurities. I made the uncomfortable become comfortalbe, this was the catalyst for my new found confidence! Confidence and experience I needed to actually take initiative and buy my 420Nusrses photography kit! I still wany to model but focus more on my photography. Im super artistic and I think I could capture amazing photos, and i come up with creative themes. Just like my modeling, Im confident with time I will get better and better!

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