by on October 1, 2017
Omg I'm so excited to present to you my 420 YouTube channel!!! I finally decided to make one after years and years!!! I kno I still got a lot to learn about editing / content / filming and what not but that's the fun part I get to play with it and make it my own style. Ever since I was 14 I used to record myself or with my acquaintances hotboxing my room / our super high edible moments / kickbacks I used to host at my old house with old acquaintances / sleepovers with my cousins ... a bunch of stuff I would edit and post some on Facebook (: i didn't really know much about YouTube then & even when I got more familiar with it it never crossed my mind to upload my film. BUT I finally did it & im so happy to start this new project and bring you guys along with me thru the road!!! I don't care if I don't get many views as of right now or whatever but at least I'm doing it and I don't care what ANYBODY thinks (: I believe in you do you and I do me as it should be . Everyone has their own path , my path is difinitelty not like yours or the other way around. With that being said DO WHATEVER YOU WANT , YOU HAVE FULL POWER TO CREATE & TO DESTROY. It would be cool if you would take a few minutes to check out my channel and maybe share with your friends ( 420JEKKADOLL ) I send blessings and love to all of you!! XOXO
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