by on June 19, 2017
My name is Hania
And I super excited to be part of an amazing team
I want to join the 420nurse team because I am very passionate when it comes to marijuana
When I was a teen I went through three different bone surgeries
Two on my right leg and the third on my lower back
I was prescribed
Vicodin, OxyContin, oxycodone, and another one I can't remember
I almost became addicted and had 4 death scares and weighed almost 300pounds
I complained to the doctors and to my parents
But my parents do not approve
And the doctors said that I needed them
When I turned 18
I did my research on marijuana
And asked a friend if he can bring me some
Ever since I tried marijuana for the first time
I have been against ever pharmaceutical drugs that has ever been made
With marijuana pain is more tolerable to almost nonexistent
I haven't had any deaths scares or overdoses
And lost 120pounds
And my anxieties are a lot better
Marijuana both THC and C-B-D has been my life savior
And I want to be the voice of those for parents
And singles parents
Because I heard and know of people who have gotten into trouble with the government because the government does not approve marijuana
I myself haven spoken to a pediatric from the children hospital in LA
And she even agrees that she prefers C-B-D & some THC over the pharmaceutical drugs that are prescribed to the children
Not only do I want to become an advocate
But I would love to get into the marijuana business
My dream is to creat marijuana beauty cosmetics
And open up my own store/dispensaries
I want the store to have everything that is made by hemp C-B-D and THC to be sold there
Animals products
Kids products (with a doctors approved note of course)
Skin care products
Hair care products
And so much more
I would also like to sell other medicinal plants as well that is not marijuana
I want to make a store/dispensary that is inviting and fun
And I'll be giving a two free dabs or two bong rips to every customers that comes in
There is more
But I think you guys got the idea of what I am trying to do
And I know that I am of to a great start with joining 420nurses
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