by on May 30, 2017
I've always wanted to model, ever since I was little. I never had the courage to do so because when I was younger I was not "fit" enough to be a model. Granted I was a chubby kid lol But my family didn't make it any eaiser on me. My family is very traditional Asians, I did Tahiti dancing when I was 3 years old. My aunt was the director, she got us our outfits, taught us our routine, etc. One day she had us all stand in a line against the wall, she had a bag full of clothes she told us to lift up our arms and one by one she put a tube top on every one of us, when she finally got to me (I was last) she tried to put this tiny tube top on me, I was too chunky to fit in it. She laughed at me and say to me mom "your child is too far to be here!" I cried and ran outside. But from that moment I told myself I'd make a change. So as I got older I started making better life choices for myself. Then I fell in love with Mary Jane, I smoked weed around the clock, everyday. Then they came out with marijuana Clubs and Rec cards. I got excited when this happen and you already know I got mine! Lol I was into the cannabis community and wanted to learn more about it! So I would research it online, a few years later I decided I wanted to model with marijuana! Thats when I found 420Nurses! My experience so far has been beyond amazing! I am part of the North Bay Chapter and all those lovely ladies are nothing but supportive,helpful and always positive! I couldn't have asked for a better chapter group!
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