by on August 12, 2016
I want to start out by saying again how grateful I am to be a part of this community, I've never found a nicer more supportive group of people in my life! I wanted to say thanks to ChaCha and Summer especially of course and the many many others that have been helping me learn the ropes as I go. I apologize so much for still just being behind the screen and not having made it to any events or meetings yet. Life has been life for everyone and all of you have made time to get there and I'm so sorry I haven't done that. I have made progress in leaps and bounds in that direction in the last week though and I'm beyond excited to have done so. My car is as fixed as I can get it and will be able to get to the meetings and events here in the Los Angeles area, I got my ID replaced although I still need to wait for it in the mail and we are finally so close to my pacemaker replacement they have me starting the blood thinning injections tonight that replace the ones I normally take. So it should be by the end of next week. They still won't give me a firm date but that's how my insurance company is, and truthfully I'm just lucky it's all being covered. I shouldn't have waited as long as I did to have it checked but it's a little late for that now lol!!
On another note I need to apologize for my behavior on Instagram in reference to someone that I'm pretty sure some of you guys are friends with. My intentions were absolutely not to upset him, or to make the 420nurses look bad and I apologize if in any way it was seen as me instigating his behavior. The post was deleted and I didn't screen shot most of it, but I did want to at least share why I reacted at all. Again, I apologize for reacting and I apologize to anyone that I offended in the process, I absolutely meant no harm at all.

My doctor was pretty clear about staying calm and resting as much as I can until my surgery is over, but as soon as it is, we plan on coming to as many of the events as we can (and bringing as many people from up here as we can find to join us too!) and I cannot wait to meet everyone and continue on my journey with you all. There is so much love and peace, thank you all for being so amazing!!!
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Thanks wonder_tay <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" /> I just wanted to make sure I apologized for not being in my best form with him and also for still not being anywhere yet! It just is so exciting to me that I have eve... View More
Like August 13, 2016
Cool deal! Thank you so much <3
Like August 13, 2016