by on July 30, 2016
I know they aren't by a photographer but I hope they will do for now until I can get to one <3

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I have a bunch of em wonder, the big one you can see is a punisher from the comics/movie. The other shoulder has Deadpool on it, then I've got a witches broom and hat on my right arm (I'm a Wiccan) with punisher and on my left I've got a semi colon and my kids and grandkid's initials and the footpri... View More
Like July 31, 2016
Oh I'm from a family of witches so I was raised with it, I can teach you all kinds of things! Id love to! I think tattoos are sexy af too, on women and men both, it took me a long time to get really started but I didn't find an artist I was comfortable with until a few years ago. He's got a shop her... View More
Like July 31, 2016