by on July 26, 2016
I don't know if you guys have seen it (I can't imagine having not seen it but I watch a LOT of movies!) but there's a scene where he's yelling "I'M NEW, I'M NEW AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" and that's how I feel right now. I've been a cam "model" for going on 10 years. In case you don't know what that is, think webcam porn but interactive. Before that I was in pageants as a young teen and I did some runway modelling when I was really young for a couple of stores like Kids R Us and places like that. When I got into my teens and was told I didn't fit the mold I felt pretty awful about myself and turned to some pretty damaging habits. Fortunately, they didn't destroy me. But they did teach me a few things about life. First, fuck fitting the mold. I am never going to be the average size. My boobs are always going to be smaller than average, and my butt bigger and my hair is always going to be a way I express myself. I'm always going to love the ink that's been permanently placed into my skin. I love my scars, my flaws, my lumps, my curves and even yes...what makes me beautiful to me. Second, I've learned that people will always judge us, but there will never be anyone in the world that will judge you harsher than yourself...and that is a terrible truth that we all must face. The most important lesson in all of this I've learned so far beyond believing I can do whatever I put my mind to is this:
The only person I need to be better than is the one I am today.
I'm happy to be here ladies and gents, like, beyond thrilled excited. And I know I'll dork out on you guys a few times at least so I apologize in advance but I intend to put my all into making something of myself so you may be seeing a lot of me!!!
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Thank you! You all really have been amazing, I have never been more blessed to meet more wonderful women in my life <3<3 and to have you all be gorgeous and have similar interests is so amazing to me,it's something I never thought I'd find in my life. I have never had women be so friendly to me befo... View More
Like July 30, 2016
most definitely will :* you too!
Like July 30, 2016
Like July 30, 2016