by on June 23, 2016
Hey Everyone! so I just wanted to introduce myself a little since I'm new lol. Well I'm 20 and my bestfriend is @MissStonedWolf {so go give her love} shes the one who actually got me here on the website and interacting with the 420 nurses. I used so smoke all the time in high school and then I had a seizure one day when I smoked, I was convinced that I had developed an allergy to it, so I stopped smoking for about a year. Finally I got bored with not being able to smoke, and also my health was seriously declining and no medication is helping me, so I asked my PCP if I could smoke again and she said "only way to know is to do it"...So of course I did, turns out I'm not allergic and I have smoked every day since.
Honestly marijuana helps my illness better than any medication I've ever tried, I have an auto immune disease called Ulcerative Colitis and I've been on every medication out there almost. Weed makes it so that I can function throughout the day, I can eat normal food and I just all around feel better. I am also in recovery for Anorexia, I was diagnosed 12 years ago and when I am smoking, I actually have an appetite and I don't feel guilty for eating. So overall I am just all for smoking!! But yeah guys thats a little about me! I look forward to meeting everybody and getting involved more when I can afford an inter kit!

<3 JaGanga420
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