Miss B0ba kush
by on May 25, 2016
Becoming a 420 nurse has always low key been a big dream of mine. Just knowing that I would be able to support something that I believe in right next to women who believe in the same ways and look at this beautiful plant as more then just something to get high off of.

Well to first start off, I had no idea being a 420 nurse would get me so much attention, positive attention that is...
I have always gotten attention from just having tattoos and big holes in my ears but never the kind of attention that has 100's of people smiling like a goof ball. It makes me feel wonderful inside knowing that these people can look at me and know I will not judge them based off of a plant that they as well smoke and used almost to daily. Becoming a 420 nurse intern has already taught me many things about the industry that I have come to love, it has also opened up chances for me to become more involved in the cannabis community.

This journey has been such an adventure already and its just getting started...but I am taking full grip of this saddle and riding it all the way to the top because that's how hard I am willing to push myself. I also want to take a moment and thank any 420 nurses who have helped me along the way to where I already am. Thank you beautifuls, I wouldn't be here without your support.
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