Damian Cortes
by on May 22, 2016
First 420 Nurse Post
Unfortunately I do not have a trendy user name that I go by. Its always just been Damian, “D” if we are familiar. San Diego is always the place I will call home. I’ve lived around SoCal; Santa Ana, Orange, L.A., Temecula mostly for work related reasons but I am home and don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon. I’ve made myself a lucrative career in the tobacco industry producing a popular Hookah Shisha. The tobacco industry has taken me around the world and sadly I’ve hated every moment of it. Unlike the Marijuana industry the tobacco industry lacks community but has an abundance of competition. I have never even looked at the MMJ industry as an industry, but a community. We are a society, we are the masses, and we all have the same common goal in mind. If one of us succeeds we all succeed, it’s just the contrary in the tobacco industry. My job in a nutshell was manufacturing tobacco aimed toward young teens, which was cool when I was 18 but has its moral dilemmas as I get older. To deal with that and the everyday stresses of the job; meetings, deadlines, ect. I ingested a lot of THC. Big Tobacco also has a very altered view of MMJ. Being very open with my habits and beliefs I was proud to say I would rather smoke a bowl than pop a pill. This gave the industry a very altered view of me. So rather change me I decided to change my career instead. This was the main reason I signed up with 420Nurses.
What I love best about MMJ as an industry is we are all basically starting at the same point. There are a few veterans and a few big names but even they aren’t to far away. Most are even willing to do what they can to see you make it. I got this impression while working part time with I&I Wellness. A small collective that I grew with, and watch grow into what it is today Southwest Patient Group. I especially felt this with The 420Nurses. My escape from the stresses of work was to medicate and go take pictures, it was really the only time I felt myself. I would do this until it was either time to go to sleep or go to work, it was the only time I felt myself. But it wasn’t until talking to a 420Nurse that I had ever considered myself making a career in MMJ. After visiting the website I was ready and able to take the next step in my career. Regrettably this step was a bit premature, I still had obligations to people and always was rushed off the phone when ever I received phone calls from Summer or ChaCha to discuss my photo package. As a result was double booked for AbraCaDabs and could not attend to shoot the event and my 420Nurses Business cards are pretty plain. I also ordered the wrong size shirts. Being nobodies fault but my own I didn’t even notice these things until my package arrived in the mail and I opened it up. Needless to say ill be putting in a new order of business cards and shirts soon. Until then ill just keep sporting my snap back and backpack while I build my MMJ Photography Portfolio.
My plan is to build a career in photography in and out of the MMJ industry. Until that happens I’ll continue to do what I consider paying my dues to the industry, working as a part time budtender and freelance Photographer. I’ll be keeping track of my progress through the 420 Nurses Blog. Hopefully enough people will read this to make me accountable for some of my actions and motivate me to keep pushing. Im also hoping this will be an outlet to other photographers and models willing to teach me a few things when it comes to photography, the tips and tricks of the trade.
So if you like my work and would like to be a part of it let me know, critique my work, judge me let me know if you hate it. I fuel from haters so fill my tank! Hurt my feelings but don’t be mean about it. If your local reach out, if you want to work together or just need a photographer for some random event even, it’s not related to weed. Until I have the knowledge and experience its all just for fun. Strictly favors for both parties. As long as you don’t mind me fiddling with my camera settings, switching lenses, sometimes even waiting for my battery to charge. Its all just a learning process for the time being. Hope to see you guys at Local Sesh. BYE
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