Niki Shnuggs
by on January 22, 2016
Here it goes! My first blog!!! Eeep >.< Mmmk, so yesterdays intern meeting was an eye opener for me, I was so amazed to see so many gorgeous strong individuals stand up for what they truly love and believe in. Can't believe how much 420 Nurses has to offer! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be able to become a 420 Nurse. The girls were so insightful, all my questions were answered so now I feel so much more confedent in starting this journey with 420 Nurses. I have been a supporter and activist in this community my whole life and to actually be a part of this community makes me feel complete.I couldn't be happy to give 420Nurses my full support and make good use of my talents! Thank you for this great opportunity and for all the love and support <3Niki Shnuggs
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