Herbivore Honey
by on January 6, 2016
Well I started smoking when I was 14, never really liked or thought about trying anything else because the fear of addiction riddled my brain. So I tried it and instantly thought of all the amazing benefits that I could use Miss.MJ for!! Because I was a very anxious girl in high school and this was a way to mellow me out and to kinda help me focus a little in school, instead of worrying about when class was over I was relaxed and listened. As I continued smoking and growing older I started seeing all these medical benefits and all these people around me smoking with nothing but good intentions! Coming into the 20-teens (2013-2016 now) it really opened up my eyes to the distruction of lives and families behind some medical industries and hospitals and thinking that there's SO many opportunities for people to use medicinally and just can't because of all these restricting laws!!! Now I have a nephew who is currently fighting stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma, remind you he just turned 5... Now I look at this boy fighting for his life and his parents trying to stay strong for him and I'm sitting here thinking.... If only he had the opportunity to try something like C-B-D extracts or some type of medicinal marijuana he might just be able to kick this is the butt like I think when I see many other children and elders with illnesses that can benefit from this amazing plant! It's sickening watching the government KILL us and watch us struggle thru an illness knowing one silly little plant could help us, but god forbid it's a "drug" and couldn't really be controlled until recently. But should that matter when a 5 year olds life is at stake... I sit here and ask the government, what if it was your daughter, your uncle or even yourself who was told you have cancer and have treatment options and only know that one would possible do the least damage to your body as its already riddled with cancer... Would YOU take that option.. Would you sit back and allow someone to fill your body with radiation and make you lose all your hair and do more harm than good in the process of killing that cancer.... Or would you FIGHT for something amazing like the legalization of medical marijuana across the globe so everyone can have a better chance at their "slice of life" so that's why I'm here... I'm here to share my stories, to hear your stories and to push for the global legalization of marijuana for the sake of human kind ❤️
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