by on December 15, 2015
Blazers Cup was LIT!! I had the pleasure of working side by side 420nurses Elly (EllzBellz) & MayaLove1 at the Medicine Masters/ Pack Hunters booth :] I was booked to help promote and bud tend for the weekend. The first day was packed!! Some patients had waited hours in line to get in!
While team promoting, Elly and I made sure to network and check out the booths. SO MANY YUMMY EDIBLES!!! my mouth watered after each medicated treat i tried. Literally, so many treats were made to perfection in masking that bitter canna-taste. A couple of the most memorable upcoming edible companies were Von Baron Farms, LOL Edibles, Uncle Ronnie's Beef Jerky, and Garden Of Weeden. Von Baron Farms blew my mind when I tried their waffle or mini brownie with heavily medicated caramel. OH MY GOSH. TO DIE FOR! The flavor was indescribable. Zero taste of thc and the edible literally melted in my mouth! Just thinking about that bite makes my mouth water:] At the LOL Edibles booth, I had a sample of the medicated hot Cheetos. I was extremely impressed by the taste as well! Not bitter what so ever and the hot Cheetos flavor was on point! well done:p Lastly, Uncle Ronnie's Jerky and Garden of Weeden approached me at our booth. I was also impressed with the flavor. Once again, on point with the delicious taste! I could eat the whole bag of that jerky. The dried fruit from Garden of Weeden caught my attention for the fact that the treats were delicious, organic, and healthy! Dried fruit and the little to no amount of sugar added to this product. Winning for patients with diabetes and for a healthier medicated snack choice!

There were 420Nurses everywhere! Either enjoying the event or hustling at the booths/ throughout the event. WOOO! It's always really cool to see so many fellow nurses. Working alongside 420 Nurse Maya for the first time was great too! She's so sweet, beautiful, and on top of her game the whole weeekend! I ran into alot of ladies from our LA Chapter! We even ran into our 420Nurses VP ;] hahha We kept walking passed this manikin wishing it was Summer Rain<3

Day 2 was just as fun but a little different experience. I receieved an all access pass to rep the Pack Hunters swim suit and basically smoke on stage with a couple of the performers. Of course my answer was YES! How fun !. Turned out to be my homie Dab Marino performing with Smoke De ville! It was super chill vibes, networking, seshing on stage and straight up, just having a damn good time ! Later in the night after the booth was packed up and it was raining, we got to and watch the last performances from Kid Ink, Ty Dolla, and B Real! It was epic!! We had the chance to snap a quick selfie with B Real too <3

Overall DOPE EVENT!! I woke up Sunday and Monday still stoned from the weekend! I had an amazing experience. I had the pleasure of trying delicious medicated treats, vibe with fellow stoners/prop215 patients, network and opening new opportunities for my career in the Cannabis Community <3 A huge thank you to med masters/ pack hunters for inviting us to be apart of the fun at this event!


Be sure to follow me on social media if you aren't already:] @NUTTUPP Become my fan here on today!
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