by on November 25, 2015
Happy Danksgiving THanksgiving from all the 420nurses.

This Holiday season talk to your family about the benefits of hemp and cannabis.

5 ways you can educate your family about cannabis
* Find sources they already trust and find informative topics about marijuana you can share with them
* Find High profile people who have a positive history with cannabis.
* Share your personal story and how happy it makes you feel
* Introduce them to topicals and alternatives
* Speak on the benefits about safety and legalization

* Find sources they already trust and find informative topics about marijuana you can share with them

* Find High profile people who have a positive history with cannabis.
-Bill Gates
-Phil Jackson
-Sarah Palin
-Martha Stewart
-Michael Phelps
-Barack Obama
-Oprah Winfrey

* Share your personal story and how happy it makes you feel
- Relieves stress
- Pain killer
- Enjoy Food, music, life
- Helps sleep
- Happy

* Introduce them to topical's or C-B-D product
- If your family is worried about THC "Getting High" topicals or C-B-D is the way to go. These products produce no psychoactive effects, but they are a great anti-inflammatory for back pain, stiff joints, arthritis, and can sooth many types of skin conditions like psoriasis. This is a safe place to encourage her to experience the medicinal effects.

* Speak on the benefits about safety and legalization

- CCHI2016 Register and Vote

- It is true that a lot of modern cannabis is stronger than what was on the market in the 70s. The cannabis purchased in legal shops in Colorado all has potency data right there on the label—and that puts the consumer back in control. Again, in the black market, consumers are rolling the dice on potency.

- Regulation will be controlled as to what you are putting in your body

Share this and talk to your family about Living longer with cannabis - 420nurses Love life Live Smile

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love this blog!!! thanksgiving 2 years ago, my cousin and i snuck out for a sesh and came back to my aunt (who enjoys running marathons) scolding my cousin (an mma fighter/father) for getting high. through out the conversation she just didn't understand WHY and how can you be successful.. she said "... View More
Like November 25, 2015