by on October 27, 2015
Once I saw the 420Nurses Bikini Shoot on "Casting Calls", I HAD to rsvp ! I got new 420Nurses Bikini's this summer and had yet to do a photo shoot with one of them. YAY!! So I headed out to West Hollywood this passed Saturday:]
420 Nurse Coffee Brown welcomed me to her home town and we took a stroll through WeHo! Walking down the street a Marijuana Collective was open .. and when I say open... I mean when you walk in, what is usually the bud room was just wide open!! It was so crazy to me, I had never seen a shop so open like that let alone not shut down by feds!! I'm from the IE these passed couple years, shops have been closing left and right. Apparently, the West Hollywood laws are alot more lenient with the Prop 215 Laws then the IE or say LA. It was really cool to walk in and experience that. 420 Patient or not can walk passed and see everything through the windows. I'm still mind boggled there wasn't a barrier or wall between the bud room part and the waiting room lol.
I was welcomed with so much hospitality and vibed instantly. It was more of an intimate setting being that there were only a couple nurses there. I had a blast getting to know 420 Nurses Yes More Photography and Coffee Brown a little more:] These ladies are so awesome and sweet as candy!! YesMorePhotography gave me tips and made me feel comfortable and confident!! <3 Posing with Coffee was awesome because that chick has some angles! She's a dancer, so I feel she just knows how to move her body and what looks good. So watching her gave me ideas and helped me out! Sometimes I just get stuck on what to do or how my body looks. I must practice practice practice! Were both Sagittarius's and we were vibin' during this shoot. Sometimes making the same pose at the same time without even knowing it haha.
So glad I had the opportunity to come to this casting call:] The shots came out amazing!! Can't wait to shoot again with these fun and inspiring ladies! More photos will be uploaded soon <3
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