by on October 26, 2015
What an exciting weekend!!! Thanks to Kooki, we saw Zomboy and Must Die! at the club she promotes for, Exchange LA. WOOOOO!!! Got crazy!!

Friday morning, the nurses and I kicked it off with some early dabs and Denny's before SIX FLAGS! Growing up, my dad bought my sisters and I season passes until we got burned out on going so much and I hadn't been in a couple years, so I was completely ecstatic when the LA Chapter spontaneously got a Six Flags date planned to experience the haunted part of the park :] It was decorated so spooky!
We arrived and were short a few heads to make the discount price cut. So we approached everyone walking up to us and finally found two nice groups to help each other out! One group had never been to Six Flags EVER and the other group was chill and wanted cheaper ticket. I noticed the first group leaving at the end of the night and they told me how awesome their experience was! I was stoked we all got to help eachother out, save a little money, and enjoy the day at the park on a bargain!
We got on pretty much all the rides we wanted! We started off the hot day with a water ride It was hilarious and Kooki snap chatted it all..I was screaming the whole time lmao. It's like we all wanted to get wet.. we just didn't want our things wet :p We conquered Riddlers Revenge, Batman, Scream, the new- Twisted Colossus, Viper, and X2. The lines were so short i couln't believe it!! It was AWESOME!!! I definitely vetoed going on Goliath with the rest of the group haha. Zero fucks given cause that ride is not fun for me! hahah
Closing to the end of the night, probably the last 4 rides we tried to get on was broken:[ Good thing we were able to get on the rides we really wanted to go on earlier in the day!
We of course had time to sesh in the car throughout the day:p So many positive shout outs, from younger people to parents when we were walking around in our gear and got to network a bit. 420Nurse JB coming in clutch bringing business cards! woooo! NOTE TO SELF: ALWAYS HAVE BUSINESS CARDS WHERE EVER YOU GO- WHO KNOWS WHO YOU'LL END UP MEETING:] Such a dope time with the girls!!! 420 Family outings are the best! <3 The entire day was filled with laughs and screams.

^^ Shot by 420Nurse Photo Goddess

Ended my weekend with a bikini shoot in WeHo with 420 nurses YesMorePhotography and Coffee Brown !! I had such a good time chillen and vibing with those two and taking pics by the pool. We got some awesome shots. Coffee has some poses!<3 Much love for all her hospitality at her home <3 Photos coming soon:] After the shoot I headed to the Blunted Halloweed party to meet up with the rest of the nurses. The venue and vibe was so chill and the rooms were awesome! Booths were everywhere with dabs, products, etc. I brought my LED Hoop and immediately was asked to play a bit. I ended up jamming my hoop and couldn't get the light on to do a little show:[ I loved everyone's freaky costumes though. Mingled around and had a great time:]
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