by on September 2, 2015
This week has been pretty bad for me actually.
Aside from hearing from 420 Nurses, it was just one disappointment after another.
I started off the week finding out that I wouldn't be receiving financial aid for school, and that I would have to pay most of my tuition out of pocket, basically forcing me to drop my classes. I was really upset about it, because this isn't the first time I've had this problem with financial aid.
Yesterday, my husband blew the tire on his car and almost had an accident.
I had to turn down an interview at a dispensary today, because there was no way I'd be able to make it to the interview on time.
I was attempting to fold up my daughter's stroller about 5 minutes ago, and it just fell apart in my hulk hands.
I want to just curl up in a ball and cry sometimes, but I have to deal with it. And that makes me really stessed.
Having weed helps a lot with the frustration, but sometimes it's not enough.
My question is:
Aside from smoking, what are some methods you use to deal with stress or frustration?
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yoga, meditation, exercize and CBDs!!!
Like September 3, 2015