by on August 12, 2015
Why i want to become a 420 nurse? I believe marijuana has the ability to help lots of people,my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer...during one of her worst times,she lost over 30 pounds and could not keep food down. She started to smoke and some of her pain went away but most important her appetite came back and for a while was looking healthy again with more energy but unfortunately by that time it was too late,it went to her brain and within 3 months we had lost her. I have a few friends who smoke for severe headaches and i think its great they have found something natural that works for them. I'm also trying to focus more on my modeling,and if i can do both,modeling while promoting marijuana while helping people spread the word on its benefits,i would love that,i love helping people and at one point in my like wanted to become a nurse,i would love to be a part of this Smile
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