by on August 10, 2015
First of all, I want to introduce myself and say hello to everyone on 420 Nurses! I am Michelle, you can call me Missy! I am 22 and have been smoking for 5 years and had my card for 2 years now. I have a severe anxiety disorder, and medical marijuana allows me to go through my day like a happy and healthy human being. My dream is to become a 420 Nurse and also a cultivator for those suffering from ailments, as well as treatments for our furry friends! All I want to do is help others, help me do just that!
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Welcome [x=72518]MissyMisery[/x] <3
Like August 21, 2015
Welcome Missy! I just joined as well! I find that cannabis not only helps with my pain but with my horrible anxiety too! I love how its becoming more open and acceptable now!!! I see so much good coming from the future and I'm ready to help spread awareness and knowledge!!! Much love dear!
Like August 22, 2015
Same to you love, WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!! Message me anytime babe
Like August 22, 2015
<3!!! back at cha!!!
Like August 22, 2015