by on August 5, 2015
Why did i want to become a 420nurse, well growing up i didn't have much friends. I was always made fun of for liking different music and different styles , basically i felt like an alien at school. I became very insecure and developed very bad anxiety and depression. The first time i smoked was at a tiny gathering and i was feeling sick to my stomach from the lack of people i knew there, so my friend brought over a blunt and told me to take a hit from it. Weed had always interested me because I've had read a lot about the positive properties it can bring to people. So i took a hit and coughed haha my friend told me to take a few more so i can feel better. Shortly after my shaking had stop and the racing of million thoughts had slowed down, for the first time in forever i felt relaxed. No amount of therapy and no amount of medical pills had very made me feel as calm as i was in that moment, and from there i feel in love with this beautiful plant.
When i went to the meeting for 420nurses i got an instant feeling of acceptance. I saw a room full of beautiful people that respect and loved one another like family, but 420nurses aren't just all looks. They are well educated women that like to bring awarence into the world about this natural medicine and for that is why i wanted to join. Weed has always helped me, whether to ease me my mind or soothe my pains and now i want to thank it by being part of this community and maybe help some people understand why we need to legalize it.
Freedom dose not exist if nature is illegal.
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