by on July 7, 2015
I just wanted to say before I met the lovely ladies of the 420 nurses, I was lost and confused on how to enter this industry the correct way and because of the 420 nurses I have reached more into the industry than I thought I ever could. Everyday I'm always checking up on the 420 nurse news and casting calls and events because I want to be apart of this beautiful movement that is happening and could change histoty. This is such a strong and powerful movement with very strong and hard boulders that sometimes get in the way (referring to laws). But because of the 420 nurses, you girls have gave me hope and I know we can fight this movement together and get the word out there to everyone! I'm so thankful for this community/family/team/sisterhood/movement that we're all in together! I can't wait to see what we all achieve at. Every one of you girls is doing something so amazing to help the cannabis industry and if we keep growing in numbers of believers I know we can make a change in the world for good <3
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Grim Kardashian
Same!!!! I feel so alive since joining and I love seeing how everyone is using their personal flair to rock the world with this movement.
Like July 7, 2015