Megan Nicole
by on July 2, 2015
1) I can hula hoop for abnormally long amounts of time. Won some random contests in Hawaii ߌŰߍ
2) I have broken almost 20 bones (not inc. countless toes from horses jumping on them) that comes with some serious arthritis ٰߘ
3) the sound of a paper towel crinkling makes me cringe pߙɰߙȰߙ
4) I've survived 18 surgeries and proud of it ʰߒʰߏܰߒʰߏܰߒʰߏ
5) I have a horrible habit of overthinking things ܰߘ
6) I sang choir for almost 5 years Ұߎ
7) I am afraid of heights but will force myself to go skydiving one day to overcome another obstacle ܰߚ
8) Horses have been a passion of mine for over 13 years now but I wish I had still found them soonerpߐԢݤ️
9) I am totally terrified of being on the road now. I don't think I'll ever be able to feel safe again ߚװߚѰߚհߚ
10) i was a published author in 2 different books by the time I was in 5th grade Ӱߓ
11) I am a perfectionist which has its benefits and also has its disadvantages ְߑͰߏܰߑΰߏ
12) my favorite color is aqua blue ܰߒ (almost)
13) At 16 I became deaf in my right ear ٰߑ°ߏ
14) I believe in extra terrestrials and am pretty certain I've had an encounter before ܰߑ ݰߚ
15) A well respected neurologist of over 20+ years spoke these words when speaking on my behalf, "in all my years in this occupation I have never seen such a miraculous recovery. I have no medical explanation for this." then had to go double check that the new image was still the same person 0ߚѰߏ
16) I have 3 tattoos but basically want ink all over so saving funds Ţړ️ߑѰߒ
17) I cannot feel my feet аߑ0ߑ"ݓ
18) I don't like using the word hate, so I strongly dislike anything orange-the color, the fruit and the flavor ߍʰߚ
19) I wish I was a mermaid so I'd never have to leave the sea ˰ߌʰߐڢړ️
20) When it comes down to it, i don't think I'd be here today writing this post if I did not have my mistress Mary Jane here to help me keep my perspective right. I'm gonna marry that b*tch ߍpߌӰߒ͢ݤ️
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Lily of the valley
It was nice learning some things about you <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" />..Nice to meet ya!
Like July 2, 2015