by on June 28, 2015
I've dabbled in modeling through out my years doing small things, but now more than ever, i want to build myself as a model. Modeling feels so natural to me.
Yesterday, I had an experience to remember at the beach shoot in Corona Del Mar. The Location was so beautiful. Having the opportunity to network and be photographed with and shoot with so many models and photographers at one time was amazing. Both models and photographers all came with the same drive; to promote ourselves and built our portfolios. Everyone's vibe was super chill and brought green vibes~
I am beyond happy I had the chance to meet up with more 420 Nurses. I feel so much love going anywhere and being able to automatically see another 420 Nurses and instantly i'm not alone. Every event I attend, i make more new lovely friends and it's awesome.
This shoot gave me a whole new experience with modeling. I was able to watch other models and learn something about different poses, positions, and creativity! This event also helped me branch out of my comfort zone from networking to modeling.
I am so so blessed 420 Nurses provided me with the opportunity to come out and i can't wait to get myself more out there and go to another event like this. SO AWESOME!
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Thank you, hopefully the photographers will send them out this week. girl i am sooo down! 1f600.png i would love love to shoot with you! Just give me a heads up and lets do it! does your photographer have a location idea or anything?
Like June 28, 2015
okay cool yes def secluded so Griffith Park sounds like a plan i've never been there actually! yeah still a drive for you both, i reside in Corona which is a little over an hour to Griffith Park. I'm gonna message you my number just hit me up and lets see when we can make this happen in the very nea... View More
Like June 28, 2015
It was awesome meeting you dude ! It was so much fun
Like June 28, 2015
Likewise!! So happy we got to meet! We will link up soonߒڰߒڢܨ
Like June 28, 2015