Megan Nicole
by on June 17, 2015
Wow, where do i even start?! My names Megan Nicole and I'm 23. lets start with the obvious, I am a Dr. referred patient in San Diego, California and have been legal here for about 2 years now. I've lived in southern California for my whole life and i just moved to this wonderful place 2 years ago and started my new journey. One of the main reasons I made the move was because of the community! People are so much kinder and in better spirits here than where I grew up. Theres so many good vibes out here! Not long after I moved out here my beautiful chapter leader Valerie contacted me on instagram asking if i was interested. Immediately knew that I wanted to be a part of it. I grew up with parents that are cannabis haters. They have been terribly are misinformed and also feed into what they here on the media and now view weed as a horrible drug. First of all, it's not a drug, its a plant! Cannabis is a million times better than filling your body with alcohol, caffeine or other more serious drugs. In fact, i believe it to be the healing of the nation. Let's leave prison for the convicts and criminals that really deserve it rather than fill it with harmless cannabis patients. Violence has seriously decreased in areas of legalization. I mean isn't that saying something? That being said, in efforts to educate my parents about cannabis I send them new studies found almost daily with miraculous results which help with so many of my own issues-PTSD, brain trauma, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain and depression. I have quite a few and weed cures all of them! It is my miracle plant and i medicate all day everyday. I am tired of the false propaganda and support worldwide legalization. I love the industry and want to be involved as much as possible! I'm hoping with the help of the other beautiful nurses and interns we can strive for a better world and eventually reach the ultimate goal of worldwide legalization. Only time will tell how long it'll take to reach that point but let us take the necessary steps to help this healing movement along. Walk with me on my journey that we call life. "Be the change you wish to see in the world" That is just what I plan to do! Until next time.... #staylifted my friends <3
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Megan Nicole
awh thanks so much hun!! I would love to! I'm not too far from you so if i go up there or if you come a little more south, let me know love and well have a mesh and maybe a shoot(:
Like June 19, 2015
Megan Nicole
im in san diego! what about you love?
Like June 21, 2015