by on June 13, 2015
So the question I get asked a lot is what does it mean to be a 420 nurse and to me being a 420 nurse is being a very powerful but yet sexy voice in the cannabis industry. We all together join as a family and have the same goals to climb for helping the movement of cannabis. The fact that we're women and make these dreams come true to us is amazing because I feel that today with society men feel that women shouldn't be in the industry with cannabis and don't "know anything" about it and all of use prove them wrong! Every single one of you ladies are amazing and sweet as can be!!! (: Being a 420 nurse is helping the movement of cannabis, we empower one another instead of downing one another, we all strive for the same goals and our a family and help each other out. We have so much love and knowledge to give to others and that is our goal, to let people know the beautiful reality of cannabis. There's so much more to cannabis than just getting high like the C-B-D part of marijuana which is the medicinal part that helps with pain and anxiety and cancer ect...and I feel not to many people know that you don't have to have the thc and get high, you can get products with C-B-D and get help with your pain without dosing up on pain pills which are addictive and people over dose every day it seems like. I feel that us girls can make a change and let our voices be heard and let these people know the amazing benefits of cannabis! And that is what being a 420 nurse means to me <3 I love all of you girls and am so glad to be apart of this beautiful family <3
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Grim Kardashian
Powerful and empowering! !! This is such a beautiful piece i love this point of view! Ladies unite!
Like June 15, 2015