Hippy Jessie
by on March 25, 2015
I want to start off by saying, If youre not on Massroot then you are out of the loop my friend lol If you dont have this app, get it! Its just like instagram (in its own way) but 420/710 friendly. and by friendly i mean thats all everyone posts!!

And since im sure 99.9% of you know what instagram is, i wont explain!

Well I wanted to share with all my fam that im going to be doing a giveaway once the products come in the mail!
Im not going to say what it is since IM the only one who knows ^_^
I would love it if you guys would follow me, on both to double your chances of winning, I would love if a fellow nurse or fan won!!

Instagram: hippyjessie19xx

Massroots: hippychick1990
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