by on March 19, 2015
Another fun and productive meeting! There were new faces at HQ and it was nice being able to sit and talk with more new(er) nurses and interns. It's always fun getting to talk to different people and get tips or advice on stuff, like modeling or promoting yourself. I was even able to ask Summer if she could help me with some photos and we ended up doing a really awesome minishoot. I learned so much during that short time and honestly I feel really special to be given the opportunity to work with you Summer so thank you!SmileEven though everyone at HQ was super busy and running around, you still took the time to really help me with my concerns and I appreciate that. That is another really great thing about the girls, they are motivated to be successful and work as a team to promote each other. I really do love being a 420Nurse more and more every daySmile
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