by on February 19, 2015
I met a tattoo artist at a bar one day, I got to talking about wanting to do some work with him, he had seemed interested so I gave him one of my cards. He looks down looks back up at me with a huge smile and says, your lexileggo, and I was like yeah, and he was like oh wow that's so cool I follow you! We go outside to smoke a bowl and he was so excited to do work on my leg. I had had a rose and a banner on my calf that I did not like very much because I never got it finished. I told him the meaning of my tattoo was to blossom everyday and shed the bad away. He took that idea and made a trash polka style which fits the message perfectly. The letters are not fully visible because it is hard to blossom everyday, but no matter what pains and struggles you go threw you can still become beautiful. I am in love with my leg now and I have Kilauea Awo to thank. He has been tattooing for 14 years now. He is from Hawaii and has been living in Colorado for a little while now, luckily for him he is moving up in the industry and going to a few different places this year. He will be in Atlanta, La, and Hawaii. I suggest adding him on facebook and catching him when he is in your area! He is friendly, creative, smart, and funny. Easy to work with, and affordable.

Kilauea Awo's facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/kilaueastattoos?fref=ts&ref=br_tf

Everyday Hustle Tattoo facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/everydayhustletattoo
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Doug Mcewan
nice <img src="http://420nurses.com/file/pic/emoticon/default/smile.png" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" /> im glad its now how you wanted it :0. see ya soon
Like February 24, 2015