Mrs Puff N Stuff
by on February 19, 2015
First of all I want to say how blessed I feel to be apart of such a beautiful ever growing industry! I had a blast at the champs trade show in vegas it's always fun seeing the blowers and all there new beautiful glass. Each show they always come with there best work on display and its absolutely stunning watching them all make huge kickass pieces for the flame off. It sure is a rush watching them twirl those huge heavy hot pieces of art its amazing what they can do. I saw one blower twirling a very intricate piece that was almost taller then me! Sadly that one came crashing down. He did give me a few pieces tho that I have in my turtle tank so thats cool Smile I bought tons of cool new glass for my shop Puffnstuff and even ended up getting myself a new baby GROOT rig blown by empire glassworks which I looove! I also won a cool PULSE GLASS mini rig and barrel perk ash catcher. But besides all the amazing glass there are amazing people there behind it. I love going to champs and seeing new and old faces there is nothing better then networking thru this beautiful industry, the more you get to know the people behind all the new cool products the more you start to see how this industry blend into one giant family and i couldn't be more proud to be apart of it Smile I had a lot of fun at Mean greens mediated mansion party I took lots of dabs and even chilled with daddy X and Dloc from the Kottonmouth Kings and met Tommy Chong and B real from cyprus hill which is a stoners dream come true! I talked with the guys at Hemp Beach Tv and they asked me and my man if we would like to start making product review videos for there episodes which is a great way to grow in this business! There are tons of amazing opportunities available in this industry you just got to work hard network your ass off make friends and give it all you got and you will shine Smile XOXOXOX Mrs.Puffnstuff
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