by on February 4, 2015
Hey everyone! I am new to 420nurses, so I wanted to say alittle bit about myself. I am from upstate NY. I am like the tallest girl for my age in my town, I am 6 ft tall. It's basically all legs lol. I'm a fun loving, caring, and respectful woman. I love cannabis and how it can help people. I am really excited about becoming an intern! If you guys have any questions for me, just message meߘ
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Summer Rain
Welcome <img src="http://420nurses.com/file/pic/emoticon/default/smile.png" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" /> and thanks for sharing! Tall is beautiful! can't wait to see more of you!
Like February 4, 2015
Thanks guys! I am sooo happy to be part of this! Now I just need to get my intern kit!ߘ
Like February 4, 2015
Laurie Canadian420
welcome to 420nurses <img src="http://420nurses.com/file/pic/emoticon/default/smile.png" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" />
Like February 6, 2015
Thanks love!
Like February 6, 2015