Mary Jayne Elizabeth
by on January 21, 2015
Hi everyone my name is Mary Jayne Elizabeth and I am not only an official intern as well as the Las Vegas chapter leader, I own my own topical company. I make C-B-D infused natural body creams and salves for many different purposes. I have had it tested by many people and they have all said it works for them. I use all natural products with genetics from sin city seeds to make my topicals (3 ingredients total). I am so passionate about my company and believe in it 10000%

If anyone has migraines, back pain, joint pain, arthritis, skin problems this is the cream for you. I have used it on myself for my eczema and it has cleared it up. Even if you just have dry skin and want a moisturing lotion you can use this as well. All my creams smell amazing too. I just have lavender, citrus and a mens scent right now but will be getting more scents soon.

Please go check it outSmile Thank you
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Summer Rain
Like April 9, 2015