Sammy Sativa
by on July 12, 2014
I couldn't be happier about the legalization of marijuana here in my home state Happy For multiple reasons of course, but the main reason being that i could no longer be in trouble with the law because i smoke pot! honestly, I was never very good at being "sneaky" about it. i dont know about you, but i always felt like i shouldn't have to hide the fact that i smoke, and because the law didn't exactly agree with me, i had many encounters with the police when it came to pot, both good and bad...

Bad Story (filled with teenage stupidity!):
I had just turned 18, gotten my first job, and school had just gotten out so my friends and i were itching to go to the YMCA pool at the high school i had attended (i was supposed to graduate that year, but during the school year i had decided that pot was more important than school and had to spend a 'super-senior' year at the alternative school here in Fountain, yet another bad decision lol, anyway...) Who wouldn't want to go swimming stoned out of their minds on a hot SOCO summer day?!?? that was our plan Grin we got stoneddd and continued inside to go on with our days plan. Well we had checked in and payed and we separated ways to go into the locker rooms to change and shower. Once I was done i sat along the wall, waiting for the rest of my group to come out and we could find our own little spot in the child and family filled pool. Right as they all came out the life guards blew their whistles telling everyone to get out of the pool. Everyone got out and the guards tell everyone that they are on a 10 minute recess because someone had decided to take a huge shit in the men's locker room (in the shower part..). what the shit in the locker room had to do with everyone else swimming in the pool is beyond me haha, but we did as told. Us, being the "bright" teenage stoners we were, we decided it was a perfect time to smoke another bowl!
on school grounds...
in my dad's blazer...
in the school resource officer's parking spot...which was very easy to see.
yes, we were dumb, and we smoked a bowl proudly on our schools property, with no shame. but soon, paranoia starts kicking in and we start rethinking our parking we move back to our original parking spot among all the 'normal people'. Well, apparently, the pool of cars weren't just filled with 'normal people', one just happened to be an off duty cop with his family and he most definitely saw us because the second we tried getting out of the car and started to walk inside again, 3 more cop cars pull up behind us and tell us to stop moving and stay were we were.
Long LONG story short..Because i was the oldest and the current driver of the vehicle, i was charged with everyone's pot (which only ended up being 2.5 grams), everyone's paraphernalia, and was almost charged with a DUI because the off duty cop saw me drive from one spot to another after i had been smoking. The only reason he didn't was because the cop knew my Dad and the financial situation we were in at the time. However i did receive a $900 fine, 35 hours of community service, and 6 hours of drug classes that tried telling me that i was addicted to a drug that was going to ruin my life (HA!)

Somewhat good story(honestly just pure luck):
when i was 17 i was hanging out with my younger brother, his girlfriend, and a guy that we had all knew as james. I had the Blazer for the night and we were trying to find a party to go to but failed so we ended up going to shumway road, a road right behind my neighborhood, that is basically in the middle of nowhere...also a perfect place to smoke. while we were smoking our blunt, James's mini bong tipped over and spilt bong water all over the floor boards and my Letterman jacket. The blazer was starting to reak after that so we decided to drive around and try to air it out a bit. soon enough 2:30 starts to roll around and we all decide its time to go home. I compleatly forget that James was with us and he had to go to his own home after we were done with our night so i decided to go ahead and turn right, as soon as i could. Well, i didnt use my signal and their was a cop behind me who saw me turn without it. we were smoking a blunt right as the cop turned on his lights. we put it out as quick as we could, lit some cigarettes and sprayed body spray trying in vain to cover the skunky smell. The cop came to my window and asked me (keep in mind im blazed out of my head) why i turned so quickly. i explained him that we were tiered and on our way home, but i forgot to take my friend home so i turned as quickly as i could. He asked for my registration, insurance and license. i gave him my insurance and license. he comes back asking for what i had missed and he laughs at me because i couldn't remember. i give him the registration and he goes with my paperwork and looks everything up while leaving us freaking out in the car.
he comes back to inform me that my insurance and registration was expired, and re-informed us that none of us were supposed to be out at 2 in the morning. He let us go with a warning and just gave me his card. on the back of it, it said " be careful where you smoke ".

I dont know about you guys, but my teen years went hand in hand with pot, which normally came with cops. fortunately, Fountain has always had the rather pleasant cops Smile

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