Summer Rain
by on March 5, 2014
Today was a beautiful day. You know those days that kinda evade you, slip through your fingers like sand but feel so good as it happens? That was today! Woke up to a still beautiful sky around 8am ready to take on my day! Lifestyle as a 420nurse varies from day to day. Today we were working on orders & some gear / outfits for ourselves! Made some homemade waffles for breakfast! Jammed to some Janis Joplin & Dana Fuchs. For those of you who may not know, I love to cook! I became a vegetarian when I was 13 & introduced fish to my diet about 2 years ago, and I love it! I'm not a preachy veg head or anything like that. But when I cook, I COOK! I even love to flavor and cook meat for guests! I love to put big smiles on the peoples faces I care for and food has a lot to do with it. Anyways, I could go on for hours about food - what seemed to be just after breakfast, wrapped up my tasks & I heard a knock on the door. Chacha & I had invited Jans over for a nice smoking sesh and sunset PHOTOSHOOT but it couldn't already be here knocking, could it? But it was. And what do you know it's freakin 3pm . Funny when things like that happen.

It was now time to smoke up and get ready to shoot! Being a girl can be fun. With all the preparing and beautification , excitement & glitter lol. Love getting all dressed up or dressed down. One of the coolest parts about being a 420nurse is I can live out all my fantasies. I had my bare booty standing on the top of a mountain today ! Felt amazing! Exploring close places to home you can find so much beauty. We went not 10miles from our house and found a beautiful spot to run up a nice hill & take some shots with the sunset. Jans is an awesome friend and one of my favorite photographers to work with. Being comfortable and having a Connection with your photographer are really important and key in taking great photos. We took a couple hundred pictures and enjoyed a nice sesh with the Southern California sunset.

Big thanks to our photographers for patience , skill & consistency- I know how much it takes and i love working with people with passion for what they do so thank you to all the photographers out there & special thanks to Jans for all the amazing photography you produce with the 420nurses! You have a gift. Today was a beautiful day. It's now 2am tomorrow and I'm up way past my bedtime. Today completely rushed by with the most awesome moments of taste and beauty! I love that I'm able to share such beauty with you and look forward to what's to come tomorrow. Goodnight!
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