by on February 21, 2014
Hello Stoners!
Not sure if anybody will read this..but I have some time and I feel like explaining why I'm on this site. Well, simply put.. I love pot. Haha. But really it has helped me grown to who I am today. I am not a couch potato, I hold onto jobs..I did good in school. But still, the fact I was a stoner throughout high-school def gave some people a bad feeling about me. I've been arrested\suspended many times on pot-related charges (in IL). Just because I chose natural medicine to help me with my scoliosis and anxiety instead of being on prescriptions..I was the one frowned apon..ain't that some shit? Anyways, I was accepted more when I moved to the city(Chicago). I was able to go to NORML events and help spread the word that pot is fucking awesome MEDICINE. I became active in the festival scene and picked up some pretty fun fire spinning tricks. I spent some time in Colorado while pot was getting passed for recreational use..That's when I decided WEST is the BEST and I wanted to be part of the movement. In September my mom was diagnosed with Wegeners Disease, It is a very rare autoimmune disease. I have done research and it has been proven that if she eats the bud from the plant that it can put her into complete remission. It is my dream to grow and help her, and others suffering. So, this past year I moved. Here I am now living in SoCal, finally have my med card Smile. The first event I went to was The Cannabis Cup and it was such a good time! It was the first time I saw\heard of the 420nurses and I was intrigued. What stoner chick doesn't wanna dress sexy and get people high? So here I am on this site.. I'm hoping to meet some down ass people. I still feel super new in this state and I'm still getting situated. I don't even have a car yet so I'm kind of limited with where I can go. I'd love to teach people how to fire perform and share my passions. So feel free to message me if you're near SD! That's enough about me for today..Have a beautiful day!
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