Laurie Canadian420
by on December 25, 2013
Let me look!

Not a lot of good!

What have we got for openers Jan 1, 2014?

A Slap in the Face from Health Canada for Starters

We’ve got a Government determined to cash in on Marijuana profits at the expense of the patients who need it for Medical relief. The Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations have little or no relevancy or help for Doctors or Patients. The rules are laid down; both become casualties to greed and are dumped. 90% of the pages and regulations of the MMPR are concerned with the operation of a bloated, over regulated micro-managed commercial enterprise doomed to failure.

Why do I come to this conclusion?: Because I found this recent ultimatum from Health Canada to the College od Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario on Christmas Eve posted as Comment #49 in the CPSO Consultation Discussions.

The Comment did not identify the source only the text.

• Dec 10, 2013
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Policy Department
80 College Street
Toronto, Ontario

Feedback re: Medical Marjjuana Policy


Health Canada has determined that the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) Program will be completed by March 31, 2014 and in its place will remain the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) program. The MMPR program is quite different from the MMAR in a number of ways.

Health Canada:
- Health Canada will no longer require that specialized forms be completed by physicians on behalf of patients.
- Health Canada will no longer be supplying medical marijuana for sale to patients.
-Health Canada will now be licensing private producers (called Licensed Producers, or LPs) who meet strict standards to grow and sell medical marijuana directly to patients who obtain a prescription-like "medical document" from their physician.

- Patients are no longer separated into 2 categories based on their medical diagnoses.
- Patients will no longer be required to have a specialized, Health Canada form completed. Instead, the patient will be required to obtain a "medical document," similar to a prescription from a physician.
- Patients will no longer be able to grow cannabis for their own use.
- Patients will no longer be able to delegate a third party to grow on their behalf.
- Patients will no longer be able to purchase medical marijuana from Health Canada.
-The only route to accessing medical marijuana is for patients to send their "medical document" directly to a Licensed Producer of their choice and order medical marijuana to be delivered to their home, or to the office of their signing physician, if the physician consents to receive this.

1 Physicians:

- Physicians no longer need to separate patients into two categories based on their medical diagnoses.
- Physicians are required to complete an "original document" (essentially a prescription) in order to allow patients to access medical marijuana. A specialized form from Health Canada is no longer necessary.
- The "original document" will be required to include the following information: Patient Name, Date, DOB, number of grams per day, duration of prescription (up to 12 months), physician's name, office address, and license number.

Feedback: Following are the orders to Doctors by Health Canada. I took the liberty to insert my comments and posted it as a reply to Comment #49. I hope it survives moderation.

For crying out loud I almost feel sympathy for you Doctors. The arrogant a**holes at Health Canada bark and you’re supposed to comply and treat your patients like trash.

I beg to differ with Ottawa as follows:

1) Physicians should not feel required to prescribe medical marijuana to patients. Why not? If a patient qualifies and is asking for your help, how can you refuse? You are causing them harm in violation of your Oath not to by your refusal! Are you not going to refund the fee for the visit?I thought not!

2) Physicians prescribing medical marijuana should have some basic knowledge on the medical use of marijuana. Not unless the patient is new to Cannabis and as ignorant as most physicians. If a patient is using pot, find out how, then ask, listen and start recording what you observe in accordance with order #11, #12 and #13 below

3) Participation in CME should be recommended or even mandatory for those who choose to prescribe medical marijuana (e.g. attending
conferences, familiarization with the Health Canada "Information for Health Care Professionals" document as well as other research studies). The CME Continuing Medical Education program at theU of C Faculty of Medicine is just another bastion of bias. I don’t see them blasting the net to make doctors aware of any number of acceptable studies favorable to marijuana. One such prime example is the Harvard Study Cited in the Journal of Schizophrenia Research

The "Information for Health Care Professionals" document is a load of misinformation and distortion it’s better to avoid or you risk nausea.

4) Inform patients that marijuana is not an approved drug.
Why? Because some egocentric bastard back in 1923 decided to build a law Empire based on Classifying it as a Class 1 drug. Bull, that’s simply perpetuating a 70 year old myth..

5) Discuss that there is still a lack of clinical evidence for its use.
Bull again! There is any number of recent current testimonial cures on the Web but nobody from the profession is bothering to check them out. Many are supported by a Physician statement certifying his patient’s declaration that he has been cured of Cancer often with diagnostic evidence that cannot be denied. Now that is something actually constructive The U of C Faculty of Medicine could do!

6) Discuss the known risks associated with taking marijuana, including the fact that certain risks may still be unknown.
There are No Known Risks and the unknown ones are unknown. What’s to discuss?

7) Prior to prescribing medical marijuana, ensure that a proper diagnosis of a medical condition is made.
In combination with # 9 approach you patients with paranoia. They are all potential criminal and drug addicts and Health Canada wants to infect you with that perverted belief!

8) Consider screening for respiratory illness and heart disease prior to initiating treatment with medical marijuana.
Why? What justifies this if the patient has no pre-existing condition that warrants it? Nothing

9) Consider screening for diversion or use of other drugs of abuse
Simply more paranoia!

1 0) Discuss alternative treatment options with patients.
If there are any options be sure to discuss all the side effects and surgery to patients in graphic detail: Don’t sugar coat what they are going to go through if they follow your advice
11) Start slow and ensure proper follow up as clinically indicated.
12) Develop ongoing relationship with patient, rather than writing prolonged prescription with no follow up.
13) Physicians should be encouraged to conduct research studies and collect data in order to further our understanding of marijuana as medicine.
14) A physician should only agree to accept delivery of medical marijuana for a patient, if the physician's office is equipped with a safe and secure storage area to store the marijuana in an organized fashion.
Just put it with your Heroin and Oxycontin supply on the second shelf of the fridge!

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance to you in helping
with this policy.

Written By Blaine Barrett
TheSmeeGoanGuy Could visit the link on
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