Laurie Canadian420
by on November 12, 2013
HALIFAX – In a few months, Canadians who use medical marijuana will have to purchase it through government regulated growers, and it’s not sitting well with people who need the medication.

One of those people is 51-year-old Marcel Gignac of Amherst, N.S., who has had multiple sclerosis since 2008. The disease hit him so hard he had to use a wheelchair and take 27 pills a day. But after he got a doctor’s prescription to use medical marijuana, which he takes in capsule form, within a few months he no longer needed the wheelchair.

“I had weaned myself off all of the medications and was back to walking and [it] greatly improved my quality of life,” said Gignac, the communications officer of Medicinal Cannabis Patients’ Alliance of Canada. ”Cannabis has…basically kept me alive when the doctors said I shouldn’t be alive.”

As of April 1, under the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations, there will be licensed producers from whom patients must buy.

“We had people abusing the system where a lot of marijuana was getting out into the street market,” said Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative MP Scott Armstrong. “By phasing out in-home medical marijuana growth, the new program will save taxpayers dollars, reduce health risks associated with in-home grow-op operations, and it will limit home invasion robberies that take place in some of these places.” Read the whole story at
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