Laurie Canadian420
by on November 11, 2013
Dr. David Allen Says, “Eat a Bud a Day”
Here’s some interesting data. This video highlights a report fired up by the Department of Health and Human Services which found that our ugly little rodent friends (aka RATS) reduced their rate of STROKES by 50% w/ a simple and small amount of natural Bud, flower – i.e Cannabinoids.

That’s right, Dr. Allen recommends you eat “A Bud-a-Day to Keep the Strokes Away,” raw, un-dried buds — by not activating the THCa and converting it into THC – the consumer avoids the “high” that comes with heated marijuana / cannabis.

Pot’s primary psychoactive ingredient is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When left uncarboxylated all of the other cannabinoids are allowed to work on the patient, without the sometimes overbearing high from some of today’s high THC weed.

For those that want to view the patent and related research that Dr. Allen is referencing in this video, held by the good old U.S. Federal Government go to
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