Laurie Canadian420
by on October 26, 2013
Tracy Curley is a Toronto-based medical marijuana patients advocate and has suffered from type 1 diabetic since the age of six. Tracy is legally authorized to consume cannabis to stimulate her appetite, regulate her blood sugars, and treat the pain associated with diabetes related neuropathy.

She currently gets her medical marijuana from a designated grower who will no longer be able to supply her under the new Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations amended by Health Canada.

What do you think about the coming changes to how Health Canada deals with medical marijuana?

Right now it looks like it’s going to be easier. The original application to get medical marijuana was fifty-six pages; it was confusing. If you forgot to put your postal code on just one line, they’d send the whole thing back. Under the new program, it will only be a prescription – doesn’t have to be filed with the government, and will go straight to the distributor. But here’s the thing: anyone who applied after October 1 has had to apply under the new program – and the [government's] only listed licensed distributor will not be ready until the end of October, possibly even December. That’s a painfully long wait if you’re dying of cancer. And if you think bedside manner is bad in hospitals, wait ‘til you have to call Health Canada.

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