Mary Jayne Elizabeth
by on August 24, 2013
Omg I had such a great time today. Meet a lot of great girls and saw my girls. I am also so excited that I am now an OFFICIAL INTERN!!!!
I am ready to take my journey to Colorado and start getting 420 nurses huge out there. As well as sin city styleSmile
It was hot hot hot at the meeting but I think I got a good tan. Also thank you so much for all dabs an bowls was nice of you.
I'm so great full for 420 nurses and all of you ladies!!! One love
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wow didnt know you're official! congrats! 1f600.png we'll miss you a lot when you're gone.
Like August 24, 2013
Mary Jayne Elizabeth
Thank you ladies.
Like August 25, 2013
Mary Jayne Elizabeth
Thank you ladies!
Like August 25, 2013