White Owl
by on July 16, 2013
Hey all! I'm brand new to this site and I really just wanted to post a blog introducing myself and why I'm here so you can all get to know me better. Hopefully we will be fast friends Smile

So, I'm White Owl. My real name is Nicole. You can call me that if you would like, I have no problem with that. I am 20 years old. I am a full time college student studying Psychology at an all girls college. I live with my boyfriend (hopefully soon to be fiancé) of 2 years and our lab mix puppy Kenzi. We live in my parents house with them and their beagle puppy as well. I live in a suburb just outside of Milwaukee,Wisconsin.

Some of you may be thinking,"Wisconsin. What?" As some of you may know that Wisconsin is not on the list where marijuana is medically legal yet. So it may be somewhat of a surprise that I am here. However, that is precisely the reason I joined this site. It is very difficult living in a state where I can't get the medicine I need and hopefully me being here can make somewhat of a difference for my state.

You see, I have a digestive disorder that leaves me in pain almost every day. I have tried almost everything I can try so I can live pain free, but unfortunately nothing over the counter or perscription seems to work to relieve my stomach pains or help regulate my appetite so I can basically be healthy. I have had this disorder for years, but only within the last year has it gotten worse. There's only one thing that seems to help me to feel healthy again, and I bet you can guess what that is. My boyfriend also medicates to relieve his chronic pain from a back surgery he had years ago and his ADHD symptoms. He has 5 metal vertebrae in his back from a football accident, so you can imagine why that would cause him pain. He could take low dose pain medicine for it, however after his back surgery, the doctors gave him so much OxyContin that he developed an addiction to them. After learning of this, I would prefer him to medicate with marijuana than take perscription medication and lose him to addiction again.

Basically, we both medicate because nothing else seems to help. We are just trying to live as normally as we can and for us, it's difficult because the one thing that does help, is still illegal. I'm not some criminal out there using and harming people or being dangerous. I am a person who is frequently ill looking for relief. However, most of Wisconsin does not see it this way yet. People who smoke marijuana here are seen as criminals or lazy people that sit on their couch and eat chips all day or don't contribute to society. I hope to change that view by promoting education.

Hopefully one day ill be able to obtain the medicine I need without being looked down on or seen as criminal (yes, I have been criticized by people for "doing drugs" in the past. When I tried to explain the medical benefits and that weed is in fact not a synthetic drug and was made illegal for terrible circumstances, all I got was a close minded, ignorant response). But making marijuana legal in my state starts with education. I hope to be apart of that education. If more people were informed, I know more people would share my point of view. So, hopefully being part of this site and community of amazing women will help me to at least make some difference.

So that's just a little about me, why I'm here and so on. I hope we can all be friends. Everyone has been so nice and welcoming so far so I'm happy to be here. If you'd like to know more about me or anything just ask Smile
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