Katie kush
by on June 29, 2013
Well this is my first blog, am I'm not exactly sure what I'm about to write. Ill just enlighten you with my experiences using cannabis. I want to just let you know first off, I'm a lil out there with my choice of words, and I'm sorry if I'm to vulgar for you, but this is my life. My whole life, from the moment I was born till up until two years ago, I was constantly in and out of the hospital for stomach pain, I've had several upper and lower gi's, where they shove a camera up your butt and down your throat, and try to figure out what's wrong with you. Each meal I've ever eaten has always caused me pain, making it to a point where I was scared to eat and for the most part still am. Don't get me wrong, I love eating, I love feeling full, I love the taste of food, hell what stoner doesn't, but when your a 115 pound 14 year old and you eat lunch at school and thirty minutes later your belly grows so large you look 8 months pregnant, it's truely not what you expect when you eat your three full meals a day. it took them until I was 11 years old to diagnose me with irritable bowel syndrome, Ibs for short, basically, in school I didnt have to raise my hand to go to the rest room, or step outside so my stomach can quite down, usually people get a warning before you have to go number two, well not me. I was twelve when i took my first hit of marijuana.

To go along with the innards, I was diagnosed with gastritis, intense acid reflux disease, ciliacs , and lactose intolerance, I can't have anything with acid in it. Say good bye tomatoes, spaghetti sauce( my mom makes the best three meat sketti too): orange juice which just so happens to be my favorite drink ever, no soda, and no chemicals/perservatives. Nothing fake ,processed, or anything that can be held for longer then a few days. No gluten, wheat or oats, definately no alcohol. And if I puke just once, I'm screw for a week. It feels like the inside of my stomach lining and my intestines are shredding so thin ill explode any minute. And thats exactly what happens, its shredding thin.This causes me to eat basically nothing good tasting that I have found so far, I eat red meat white meat, gluten free bagel with peanut butter, rice, loads of fruits and veggies. And sweet potatoes, they are less harsh then normal potatoes, even with knowing my stomach will still hurt after I eat, I must medicate before and after each meal.

Ok now for my body, in the summer going into 8th grade I was hit by a speeding car in a neighborhood as I was crossing to the other side of the street on my bike, of course I'm not talking about 69 miles an hour, more like 25 mph, the car struck my left side trunk hitting my hip and my knee bowing towards my bike frame, I had a sliver from the Nilsson in my heal in the form of a Nike check and an explanation mark above it, had 30 stitches just in the back of my heal, looked pretty cool I'm not gonna lie, had third degree burns up and down the front if my leg, it didnt even look like it belong to me. My dumb ass as a lil kid, knew my parents didnt have insurance, and neither did the man who hit me, he didnt speak any English, but I did understand him saying "ambulance ill call now. " I still remember saying no I'm fine ill just ride my bike," I got on and tried to pedal. Blood sprang out of my heal. Realize I had to act like everything was ok so we could just go to a walk in clinic and get stitches, I just got back up put my sandle back on and walked my bike six blocks, leaving blood splashes I found three days later with my friend, I even passed a class mate who asked if I was "just painting a red room or something?" i said "no just got hit by a car, got any napkins?" He said no, looked back twice and kept walking. Called me later to see if I was ok. What seemed like an hour later I remember waking up on my lawn with my bike, I gimped over to my neighbors and my mom was called. I no longer have any ligaments in my left knee, and because of a limp when ever my knee pops, everyday, my right one is going out slowly, thank god. I can't stand in one place or my knee automatically locks up even if its bent, and my toes frequently go numb, which is crawling up my leg.

Degenerative disk disorder, basically your spine is being supported by disks, basically joints, like a cushion, mine are shredding away, making me bone on bone, spine on spine, how ever you want to say it, I'm grinding together and I feel it each time they do, my mom has shrunk 3 1/2 inches in 7 years. Shes missing every disk but two one in her lower back and one in her neck, I expect the same for me, maybe at a slower pace. I also have scoliosis, a curve of the right side, and a cyst in the right side, most likely they said from deposits from the ddd. And to add to my carrot cake, arthritis, this one really gets me.

I truely feel like a 70 year old in a 21 year olds body, at age 19 I got stuck on the floor and had to call my now fiancé home from work to place me in bed for the rest of the two days I had off. Four months befor that I threw my knee out working at KFC, having to take 4 weeks out of work. Really felt helpless. Having to go to the hospital, having to explain how I felt with out breaking down and looking crazy for pills, the doctor, Jacob f Patterson , told me " your to young and beautiful to have anything wrong with you. I'm going to refer you to a physc here in town it's free don't worry, and have them evaluate you for any disorders with drugs" at that time my fiance has had me clean for 9months,... The man didnt even touch me. I had to tell this doctor how to do his job and ordered myself an MRI on my whole body, neck down to my toes. I told the doctor exactly what he would find, two weeks later I get a call at work saying "your x rays came in, we have a multitude of surgeries that can help you, if you'd like to come in and give me a second chance" lets just say I went and got my x rays and paper work and never paid them. Two weeks later I went to my first mmj exam, and got approved for 18 lovely plants. Have been in constant growth since then.

Cannabis truely is my medicine, I've used it for my belly on and off since age 12 and at 17 became a frequent user. Age 18 became a medical patient, ihave gotten myself off of taking 7 sleeping pills a night just to get some shut eye, i used to rely on percs, vics, oxys, morphine, and norcos just to feel like a kid again and not be in pain, i use it to be hungry when my head says no, i use it to feel less tense, use it to clear my mind my body and my soul. Cannabis has changed my life.

I can't wait to see where cannabis takes me, for this is my business, I belong with the plants.

Well my wrists hurt so ill stop rambling on nowSmile
Thanks for reading my first blogSmile

Please if there is anybody out there with anything like this, in any form. Feel free to ramble with meSmile

Take it easySmile
Katie C-B-D kush<3
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