Summer Rain
by on April 25, 2013
What a great meeting Smile

These group of girls never cease to amaze me, this group was awesome to say in the least. It was an Auntie's Edibles - filled evening learning more on becoming a 420nurse Smile I Loved the attitude and energy of all the ladies had, it just filled the room and I have awesome plans for us ladies Smile can't wait for us all to move to our next step in our rank. Also spreading the word for the campaign May 21st !!!

Dollface, Roxy, Gemini, Kayla, Holly, Dazzin, Alexis, Lady Vampira & Jahnism Pleasure Hanging with you ladies Smile cant wait til we meet up again Smile

Peace & Pot XoXoXo

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it was a huge pleasure watching you all on the live feed n i feel like i learned alot <img src="" alt="Wink" title="Wink" title="v_middle" />
Like April 25, 2013
especially about what it means to be a nurse and what we can do with it!
Like April 25, 2013