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Female Lives in ventura, California, United States Born on March 10
by on July 26, 2019
Through all odds if you want something you stick through it dont give up if you dont do it right the first time. learn and try again. keep learning and keep trying until you master that skill. If you really want something. STUDY IT. LOVE IT. LIVE IT. all you can do everyday for yourself is keep moving forward. dont waste time not going places and dont waste time wondering just do it and you will start to feel the empowerment. stay motivated. and work hard and good things will follow. 
159 views 2 likes
by on July 21, 2019
Staying active on the 420 nurses. com website and store is cruciall to sales its crucial to making progress, keeping up with all the events and meetings letting people know when to go and if you will be attending is all so very important in keeping the team builing. Rembere the true goal is to build it is to create and keep motivated. Dont forget to log on daily, Add a post and a pic of your day wearing your gear or smoking and relaxing this platform is built to keep our fans and interns ente...
181 views 0 likes
by on July 18, 2019
To become a 420 nurse is not only the first step to empowering your goals and backing them up with a true team always around to help one and other out, but we are also a family. Built over 10 years, we have achieved so much together. That's the idea **TOGETHER** Having a group of positive people to work around to work with is really a big step into bringing real dreams to life, that's what the 420nurses are all about. Love, Respect, Equality, hard work, perseverance, consistency, good vibes, ...
166 views 1 like
by on July 18, 2019
Going to a chapter meeting is so fun and productive getting to all meet up around a table eating cool snacks and drinking delicious drinks while talking amosts ourselves staying productive while always keeping it fun not only do we gain a more family orientated closeness its so amazing to help eachother out motivate eachother and give eachother good ideas as well as helping promote and just all along worling hard with eachother instead of alone!!!!^_^ i love the 420nurses ♡♡  
141 views 0 likes
by on July 17, 2019
Over the 10 years these two very strong and empowering women have motivated and pushed through all odds and kept there hearts dedicated to spreading love and education and fun times amongst all. These amazing beautiful women are now my boss's im offical yes and ive got to say this is not only been a dream of mine since joining in 2014 but it has been a recent daily wish of mine to be a part of this growing community. Everyday we work really hard to set up cool events, fun meetings, cool get toge...
182 views 1 like
by on November 7, 2014
One step down, one hundred more to take, the path that lies ahead is filled with light and hope, a new page in any one of our lives especially mine, becoming apart of something in this life, i can happily stay active with through my every day life, growing with my beliefs and self respect as well as courage every day. Every step i take is another towards a better day, i don't ever regret my choices in life they are who i am and who i will become and because of the choices I've made recently, by ...
154 views 9 likes
by on October 30, 2014
For a long time, i spent my time searching for something i wasn't even sure i would find.Longing for a certain type of relationship that could help me break out of my shell, someone to help me be happy. Not knowing what i would find down this open journey, what i recently learned is that happiness comes from within. Happiness comes from what you enjoy doing. Enjoying who you are because in the end you're the best friend you could ask for, and when we as people realize we don't need anyone else. ...
130 views 3 likes