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by on September 7, 2021
HELLO! How many of you beautiful souls suffer from gluten intolerance, I know many who have this issue. I recently started offering my 6 year old top quality C-B-D. He is suffering from this unknown cause of inflammation. We found C-B-D helps his outburst of sores he has been getting in his mouth. Has anyone experienced these issues before, what do you do to help with this? I am new to gluten intolerance plz share any tips will help.
93 views 2 likes
by on July 16, 2021
How many of you attend school or work at a place that doesn't accept cannabis as a medecine? As a everyday cannabis user I do believe this is my medicine. I have many titles and cannabis has never hurt my performance at work. I do believe certain jobs require you to be  completely sober. How do you feel about your work or school not accepting you because of your unethical method. 
66 views 2 likes
by on June 8, 2021
As women we have a long journey ahead of us when we are young ladies. We never realize how big of a role we will be playing in the life of these amazing tiny people. We will be the person molding these kids and personalities. I have never suffered from any mental issues until I became a mother. The depression people talked about was  not what I was experiencing. I was not sad I just couldn't handle anyone or anything. I shut everyone out and became a homebody. This brought on social anxiety and ...
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by on May 24, 2021
Hello my loves My name is Sativa505 and I reside in the beautiful Land Of Enchantment. I am 5"4 and I am in my thriving 30's. I love a heavy Indica in the late evening and a uplifting Sativa through out the day. I try to keep myself educated on, Cannabis, life style and family matters. Cant wait to share with everyone.  With love, Sativa505 ...
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