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Female 28 years old
by on January 10, 2017
Well it's a new year guys. Everything is going to be different and new! I feel bad, I haven't been on the site much cause I've been working from 630am to 230pm everyday so I've been tired but I'm on Instagram posting all the time so check it out! I hope to do more photoshoots and get some more gear this year and try to go the festival's too! I'm very excited to see what this year brings, it's been kinda rough in the beginning but my job and this wonderful company has been keeping me happy and ...
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by on December 22, 2016
Im so excited, I wanted to write this when it happen, but the holidays happening and Christmas being right around the corner. Well you understand but anyways, I have so much love for this company, no one knows how happy i am to be apart of it! I couldn't have done it without my dad, who sent the money for me to get my kit cause he wanted me to follow my dreams. Im so thankful for all love i get every single one of you guys. I cant wait to being wonderful to this company.
16 views 2 likes
by on November 29, 2016
I have this feeling deep down in side that I'm not really going to be able to come intern! I'm working really hard so people check out my stuff but I don't have money to buy new clothes so I can advertise the stuff I want people to buy! I don't have a good phone so I can't take really cute pictures. Just for the couple times I've been able to be apart of this group, I haven't felt more love and respect from anyone and I really want this! I just really need help.... I just really want this to wo...
44 views 1 like
by on November 26, 2016
Modeling has been one of my biggest dreams ever since i can remember, i remember the first shoot i did, wasnt anything like this but it was still the best thing ever. I was at park in Hawaii with some of my old friends and just staring off in the distance while the photographers just took photo after photo. I really didn't know how to act, i just kept laughing and trying to do my best. I have like 3 photos that are my all time favorite, even thou i love them all too! This is basically where my ...
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by on November 21, 2016
My first time last night was bomb and I loved every second of it!! Thank you guys so much for letting me be apart of it! This is great opportunity and I'm glad I can be apart it! Lookin forward to seeing you guys again!!
33 views 1 like
by on November 19, 2016
It was my first time coming to one these and i love it. The people are great, the girls are awesome!!! Im really really glad that i got to be apart of last night and I hope to able to keep coming to these! Thank you so much
18 views 1 like
by on November 15, 2016
When I was younger, I didn't get what most children get, I struggle with a lot and had a hard time meeting new people so When I was 12 I moved to Hawaii and everything was different,the culture and people where so much more caring and I started to open up and follow my dreams. I met some people who modeled before and we took some picture and after that I just wanted to keep doing it. I didn't have a good childhood and my teenager years didn't get better til about a year ago! I just wanna be abl...
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