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Lives in San Diego, California, United States Born on December 8
by on June 29, 2015
I am enjoying traveling and meeting so many lovely girls working on activism for cannabis somehow in someway. I am truly inspired to continue my own path and opening the laws and regulations of dispensaries in my own city. I want to talk about a project that was recently started on social media that I believe we should really make go global. #jointsforhomeless There are many homeless suffering from ptsd among other mental diseases that many marijuana patients can relate to. What better way ...
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by on May 9, 2015
To be completely honest I don't know where to start. One night I couldn't sleep anymore. I went an entire month catching a few hours of sleep here and there. I was working three jobs. I lived across the country from my family and it was weighing heavy on my heart that I couldn't afford a plane ticket home and my husband at the time was not making any effort to help me budget the funds. He said I made my own money and I didn't share any of it so I should be able to buy my own ticket. I feed 2 ca...
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