April 11, 2015 07:10 AM - March 11, 2015 08:10 AM
  • Photography
Castro Castle 3739 17th St. San Francisco CA, 94114 U.S.
United States
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San Francisco Overnight Chapter Intern meeting/ Photo shoot at Castro Castle

Saturday, April 11,

3739 17th St. San Francisco CA, 94114 U.S.

Lilmiss Cheesecake

Interns of the San Francisco and surrounding areas. We are having a group meeting on April 11th At The Castro Castle in San Francisco. Castro Castle is a wonderful little Bud & Breakfast in San Francisco. They offer a place where you can stay the night and smoke your bud. Not to mention it is owned and run by the one and only Dennis Peron. That's right the man himself. We are going to be discussing what we all think would take us further as a chapter. There will be edibles, flowers and concentrates but feel free to bring some flavor and as always there will be group pictures taken and one on one's if desired. This is just going to be an opportunity to meet the girls of the chapter and hear what they would like to see happen with the chapter this year. Come on ladies let's take a night to chill and smoke with our Chapter. Who's down?
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