by on September 29, 2016
I was so happy to be apart of the annual Aveda Institute's Catwalk For A Cure Fashion Show this month.
To raise awareness and money for cures for cancer, the beauty school in LA, Aveda Institute, held an auction and put on an amazing fashion show with extravagant wigs, outfits for groups of POP Culture, World Culture, Disco, and more.

My beautiful friend, Alex (Instagram: @MeowLexx_ ) is graduating this year from Aveda and was in charge of the POP team so Kooki Munsta and I volunteered to be Lady Gaga & David Bowie. I had never done run way and have been wanting to get on stage!

It was an incredible opportunity to be apart of this event that was all for a great cause!

Everything was on a time crunch, it was intense and CRAZY! Putting on such a production and having everything organized and if something happens it needs to be fixed without panic and correctly. Alex and her right hand team leader, Dani, made everything become a breeze!!

The day before the show and day of was all preparation at the Salon institute! All of the wardrobes and wigs were being made, makeup was tested, hair was died, and all the models on the POP team practiced our walk. We had a Lady Gaga, Bowie, Cindy Lauper, Beyonce, Britney Spears, Cristina Aguilera, Michael Jackson, and Prince.
For myself, there was wig changes but my outfit was easy:p After Alex slayed my Gaga Face, everyone, including myself could not believe how much I really resembled Lady Gaga! It was hilarious.

So it's day of the show at the Avalon in Hollywood and it was a beautiful chaos. Wigs and models were everywhere!
I turn one way and see Cher,Bowie , and marie Antoinette coming down the stairs, then I look over and see our Christina Aguilera doing Beyonce's hair, and to the back of me, and glittered disco babes in roller skates !

Props to all the wig models because it is not that easy!! Having to pin this GIANT heavy piece wire/hair on top of your head then having to balance it while walking in heels is hard and hurts like hell!! I was chillen for most of the day because my hair was done prior at the salon and my outfit was caution tape wrapped around my body that had to be done mins before going on stage, so I was pretty much done. There was an issue with my wig so it hurt and wasn't balancing on my head, so they had to recontruct the wig. I'm not gonna lie it hurt so bad I didn't want to conversate with anyone. I didn't want to complain so I sat quietly just waiting. lol But bless everyone that came to check up on me and hang out with me as i sat there in pain for a couple hours before the show. I look over at the model getting a giant yellow submarine wig on her head and the faces she was making. She was in so much pain and I felt for her so bad cause she wasn't walking on the runway until way after our group. After some ibuprofen and my anticipation fueling, when I went on stage i served then some Lady Gaga! It was such an indescribable feeling strutting down the runway being this character with all the confidence in the world with some truly amazing woman beside me. I loved the feeling and felt like the show went by so quickly. I couldn't wait for the closing walk to get back up there!

I have found my love for runway and I honestly can't wait to be in another show!

Channeled my inner GAGA

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