by on November 9, 2011
First of all I would love to welcome you to the Social Network.
Please Make sure to read the FAQ Click Here
You will find most of your answers there.

If you have any questions you can always contact me. ChaCha Va Voom

What is the 420nurses Social Network?
It's a place to get noticed and be part of the fastest growing 420nurses modeling social site. We are a group of young women that joined together as one to be more competitive in the modeling world. As a 420nurseIntern we help and support each other. We help each other find modeling gigs and as a group the 420nurses becomes a brand that is recognized in the industry.

What do I need to be a part of this?
All females are upgraded to an Intern profile where we evaluate how an intern performs. We need you to post pictures (So our Business Partners can have girls to choose from). One Picture does not do it, post as many pictures as you can to have different angles and show of your style, beauty, and sex appeal.

Why Should I be active?
The more we notice you the more our business partners will also notice you. The plan here is to build a fan base, a following. So when we have events we can come with a crowd and have our Business clients happy.

It seems like a a lot of work?
Everything you love and believe in is work. If you put up a head shot and never login to your profile and expect to be the next top model without doing anything from you part, well then modeling is the wrong industry for you. The 420nurses makes the process simple, and safe. We make it fun and we work as a team.

Tips on making your profile stand out!
Write blogs, post pictures, add videos and invite friends. The more content you have up the more popular you will be come..
Post in: Photography, News
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I'm loving these super helpful blogs! I reread from time to time to keep me on track and to be able to better help other nurses and explain what 420 nurses is. Thank you!
Like January 31, 2016
I love this thank you. Super helpful. Printing it up to put in my binder..xoxoThank You
Like January 21, 2019